• Updated:2021-12-19 20:55:19
  • Views:413
  • Borrower:djones05
  • Location:General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite
  • Need Amount:$50,000
  • Collateral:None
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Dear Sir / Madam,

I would like to loan for the amount of Php50,000.00 which is payable within 12 to 24 months. I am a regular employee in the BPO Company and having the role of Information Security Manager. I previously worked as an OFW for almost 7 years, but decided to work in my home country since January 2021.

Due to the circumstance that I had relatives who have bereaved and the current pandemic, some of my bills were left unpaid and I wanted to settle these once and for all. With your approval, I will be able to settle everything. I am continuous income and I can pay the amortization.

For your reference, I was once loaned in another lending agency, named Global Dominion Financing, Inc., and have borrowed money twice. I have paid everything in full and has a clean record for my payment.

So, I hope that you would consider my request and approve my loan. I wanted to settle the bills as early as possible. I would appreciate your approval and it would help me a lot.

Thank you!

Domijones Manalo

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